Coming home to the smell of fresh baked cookies austin is one of the best feelings in the world. The sweet aroma they give off somehow makes home a much more cozy and friendly place to be. The history of cookies is a fun and interesting one. The first cookies were made by accident. In the beginning, before cookies were made, cooks used to bake a small amount of cake batter in the oven to test the temperature before cooking their cake. These were called "koekje" or "little cake" in Dutch. So Koekje became the name for cookies. From there they became popular for the British, becoming a great compliment to tea. It was the Dutch however who introduced them in the United States.So how did the most common cookie, the chocolate chip cookie, come about? The story told is of a woman in Massachusetts. This woman was making cookies one day and ran out of nuts. To compensate, she took a bar of baking chocolate and broke it into chunks, adding it to the dough. This cookie was a huge success and was named the "Toll House Cookie"-after all, that's the inn where it was first created. The rest is history. Since that day, cookies have spread and developed into hundreds of different kinds and several different ways of making them. They have all sorts of names and each home has that special cookie recipe that is always a hit in their family. Cookies are delicious and a great way to bring the family together for a wonderful treat!If you want to understand more,click here!           


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    May 2012



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